So you want to be a superhero? Part 1 - Mastery of Self


So you want to be a superhero? Part 1 - Mastery of Self


A Practical Guide For Overcoming Whatever Life Throws At You

This is a 6 week course designed to help improve your connection to yourself, others, and to the Universe. Each week contains a one hour webinar, practical exercises, and homework. There is also a Facebook Group where you can connect and share experiences with others taking the course, as well as weekly Q&A sessions with me to help troubleshoot and perfect your training.

Part 1 – Mastery of Self

A practical guide for overcoming adversity, life-hacking trauma, and speeding recovery so you can finally begin to thrive in life. 

You need the physical world work as a foundation before reaching for spiritual or energetic solutions to problems. Often, the energetic or spiritual problems we have are actually because we aren’t practicing proper real-world boundaries and healing. As above so below, after all. For example, if you’re noticing that you’re having an over-active empathy problem, where in your life are you not practicing healthy boundaries in your relationships? This course is designed to help you ask the tough questions to get to the root of what needs healing before you begin to safely explore ‘the world of the woo’. 

Lesson Summary:


Part 1: The Backstory

Lesson 1: Origin Story

  •  In this hour long webinar, I share stories and insights on how the events in our lives shape us and provide training for who we are meant to become. I provide useful tips for how to change our perspective and get all we can from the situations life hands us so we can be our best selves and learn how to best help others.

 Lesson 2: Are you a Hero or a Villain? 

  •   In this hour long webinar, I share insights on how the Universe utilizes the people and experiences in our lives to help us uncover the limiting belief structures holding us back from realizing our full potential. I share stories about how this useful Universal feedback system helps to challenge and change us into the heroes we’re meant to become.

 Lesson 3: Choose to be the Good Guy (or, how to leave the ‘victim’ mentality behind…or, no one can attack you unless you let them…or, leave the drama at the door, thanks…)

  •  In this hour long webinar, I share stories about how everything the Universe does is to our benefit. I share the common misunderstandings between us and the Universe and how we can utilize this information to grow and evolve into our best possible selves. I share insights on how our underlying belief structures shape the world around us and how we can change our thought patterns to produce world and life changing results.

 Lesson 4: Embrace your Awesome (or, not everyone is Wolverine, but Professor X is just as cool…)

  •  In this hour long webinar, I share stories to highlight that we are all unique individuals and our gifts and abilities are unique to our soul purpose and life path. I share insights on how to use our own special talents for the benefit of others. 

 Lesson 5: Getting to know your Team (or, help is there, all you have to do is ask…)

  •   In this hour long webinar, I share an overview of the structure of our spiritual help teams, the purpose of Earth as a training ground, and how to ask for and accept help from others. After all, every Superhero deserves a Justice League to call on when they need them. 

 Lesson 6: Training (or, don’t pick a fight unless you can throw a decent punch… or, the best defence is a great offence…)

  •  In this hour long webinar, I share insights on how to utilize the inherent structure of the Universe to challenge yourself and grow as a person. I share stories for why it’s so important to establish a solid foundation before branching out into some of the energetic mastery exercises and how to troubleshoot should things go wrong. 

 Part 2: Practice Practice Practice (or, you don’t learn kickass jump kicks in an afternoon…, or, you want 6 pack abs, you gotta do the crunches…) 


  • Take home practical exercises to either gain or decrease sensitivity, practice energetic etiquette and hygiene, and strengthen your connection to yourself and the Universe.

  • Facebook Group so you can interact with others taking the course and share stories and experiences while going through your superhero training.

  • Online Q&A sessions to help troubleshoot your practice sessions and exercises.

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