
By now you hopefully understand why meditation and mindfulness are so important to maintaining and optimizing your health, but how the heck do you actually do it? Here you'll find some helpful tips and guided meditations to get you started. 

THe practice of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of non-attachment. You observe your thoughts and feelings without being attached to them. This is different from detachment, which is a survival mechanism and a form of denial and numbing. Here you will find out how and why mindfulness benefits your health, how to do it correctly and ways to incorporate it into your daily life. 

Photo by skynesher/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by skynesher/iStock / Getty Images

Meditation 101

Meditation is similar to mindfulness with a few key differences. Here you will find out all the different kinds of meditation, mindfulness, and how to find the form that best suits your personality and lifestyle. 

Guided meditations to get you started

The key to meditation is practice. Here I've collected some meditations I have found the most helpful to me at different times throughout my journey. I hope they will benefit you as well.